Save the KIRK – “The Journey Home”


Our beloved ship is currently proudly serving in the Taiwanese Navy.  Her days are limited though.  The KIRK has performed some amazing actions and has quietly made her mark on history.  We want to bring her home and preserve the stories of this honorable ship.

There have been multiple efforts begun to affect this reunification.  I hope to consolidate our efforts and make this happen.  Personally, I’ve written the Secretary of the Navy in hopes of getting some political backing.  Along with the letter, I sent a copy of the Lucky Few dvd as it tells the stories of operations Frequent Wind and Eagle Pull much more succinctly than I could ever.

We need to get busy in the grassroots effort of raising funds to make this happen.  I want to run a two week blitz seeking ideas for a slogan to Save the Kirk.  Looking to gather ideas until October 15th.  Please leave a comment below of any ideas you have.  Feel free to include image ideas as well as a written slogan.  If you have graphics talent and want to send us a file of something you whipped up, just email anyone of us association officers.  Our emails are,,, or  Let’s see what you got!


OS1 North

  15 Responses to “Save the KIRK – “The Journey Home””

  1. Good day from Iowa!
    My thought is to use either the artwork of the Kirk or the image of the Kirk Micheal used on his presentation and simply state,
    “The Journey Home”
    Using the artwork would tie in nicely with other marketing materials regarding the presentation of model and/also the pix of the Kirk rolling thru the water brings memories of the good that it served.
    I think you could use both interchangeably

    Kent said he would create a mock up for your viewing.

    Best Regards,
    Karen (aka by Captain “CW-1 Commander Wife 1) 8)

  2. Just an update on “The Journey Home”. The Kirk’s service in Taiwan has been extended for an unspecified time due to growing escalations in the region. While I’m disappointed we’ll have to wait this out, I’m glad to see her continue in her mission of peace and protection. I know our Fen Yang shipmates will continue to sail her bravely and with honor.

    At the same time, this will allow us much needed time to build a war chest to fund a possible reunion with the United States. We are in the process of applying for 501C3 tax exempt status, which will help facilitate and encourage tax deductible donations.

    As soon as we get that exemption, we’ll begin fund raising activities. There are already several activities gearing up for the eventual tax exempt designation, so stand-by to stand-by. Feel free to e-mail me if you have suggestions or would like to get involved in fund raising efforts. This is going to require a crew, not just a few.


  3. How can I get a copy of the DVD, The lucky few?

  4. I just saw this. Saving Vessels is costly. without the cooperation of a host city and the participation of Citizens of that City Most efforts fail. The attraction is history. Has any efforts been made to establish a host city?

    There are certain City’s that would like to have that type of attraction. Portland Oregon, Charleston South Carolina etc. I’m not quite retired but may with a cohort offer some assistance in this area.

    Portlands kinda Cool they have a submarine and a DE/DF would fit in. I bet if we took a pole we could identify a host.

    • No we haven’t tried to establish a host city yet, but most people would likely say San Diego. We have a large Vietnamese community and Kirk supporters there. Always looking for working parties to help with all the tasks of pulling this off. If interested, please contact me.

  5. I would like to help in any way to bring this ship home. I was on USS Gray FF-1054 in Long Beach California as a Gunners Mate 83 to 86. If we could get all the rates together to help their work spaces. I will chip and paint for free!!!

    David Braus GMG 3
    Spring, TX

    • Hi David,

      Thanks for contacting us! Obviously, we have a long way to go to get the Kirk back in our hands. She is still proudly serving in Taiwan as the Fen Yang FFG-934. Please keep visiting our site for any updates towards that endeavor.

  6. Might try teaming up with the USS Midway museum.

    Maybe they would be interested in a plane guard ship alongside.

    • Thanks Keith,

      Definitely thought of that, but as long as the Kirk is still actively serving in Taiwan any efforts would be wasting others peoples time. We also need to start building a war chest of cash, as this will not be cheap if the opportunity ever pops.

  7. I think San Diego is a great place for the USS Kirk. Of the three Knox class ships, one was sunk, USS Rathburne DE/FF 1057, and the USS Grey DE/FF 1054, scrapped! There needs to be one that survives to show what we did. I remember the tail end of the USS Midway many times, so it would be the best.

  8. OS1 Mike North,

    I hope this works out. I would make the trip with my wife to where ever in the US the host city is.

    Amazingly, the Kirk still pops up in my dreams in one way or another. No other ship I served on, just the first one.

    EW1(SW) Craig Wilmoth

  9. With China sending a carrier and beefing up their military near Taiwan, she may end up back in action once again.

  10. Hello all and thank you for your efforts to save the USS Kirk. My father (Burton Aymond) worked on every one of the Knox-Class Destroyer Escorts at Avondale Shipyards in New Orleans. He’s now 92 and I recently made an extensive scrapbook for him to commemorate his work and all of the ships he helped produce. Researching each individual ship DEs, DDGs, Cutters, etc. I came across the story of the “Kirk” and her fascinating history. The documentary “The Lucky Few” was especially moving and connects the human element to the ship. I share her story whenever possible as it needs to be preserved.
    Keep us updated on her continued legacy.

    Kirk (no relation, lol) Aymond

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