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In spite of a limited turnout, we carried on full steam ahead. Hurricane Helene just missed us to the east, as we kept a vigilant eye on her. Hope to see more shipmates at future reunions. Until then please enjoy a few pictures from this year’s reunion.

LCDR Lucero Pipes the crew aboard and presents “The Last Days of Vietnam”

Visit to the Naval Aviation Museum at NAS Pensacola

On & Off Tour Pensacola

Dinner for the crew

USS Alabama Museum


  6 Responses to “REUNION 2024”

  1. Kirk shipmates: Another chance of a reunion in September 2024. I had a very enjoyable time at the 2019 reunion in Williamsburg VA. Just like we never left each other. All the sailors who have sailed on Kirk became new acquaintances and friends. The Vietnam guys were especially a great group of guys and I laughed as we laughed and stuck together during our tours onboard Kirk. Sending this out because Kirk was my favorite of my six ships and I treasure the friendship of that time in my life. Mike North our president needs some assistance in tracking down Kirk sailors. He helped me find a Kirk sailor I haven’t talked to in 30 years. It was great to finally talk trash and catch up on our lives, exchange information and initiate verbal banter that does exist when sailors get together. I urge all to think about attending the Pensacola reunion. Sailors recharge my batteries after my retirement. I need it. I personally need to see Kirk sailors when I can regardless if we got along or not. Doesn’t matter anymore, it matters that we served together.

  2. 7/26/24
    Mike north: do you have an agenda for the Fl reunion yet. Want to start making travel arrangements.
    Daniel Lucero Stg-1. Kirk 74-75
    704 287 9865

  3. My wife and I plan to come – the agenda will determine how long we’ll be around. Thanks for doing this Mike.

    Ken Meyer

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